These regal relatives of the garden variety irises are perfect for group plantings along the banks of your pond. You'll see them reproduced as the Fleur-de-lis because they are the national emblem and royal flower of France. All water irises have broad, emerald leaves shaped like swords. Our selections do well around the edges or in the shallow areas of your pond. Phosphate consumers.
Water Iris Black Gamecock |  Dark velvet purple petals with deep yellow center. (Evergreen) | Water Iris Blue |  Also known as Blue Flag, this popular variety will enchant you with its violet blossoms shown to advantage on two foot tall stems. Examine the flowers closely and you'll notice some petals have steaks of yellow, green and white. The lovely blooms appear in early summer. (Evergreen) | Water Iris Bridesmaid |  This new water iris features spectacular flowers of creamy yellow and delicate lilac. Reaches 2 to 3 feet in height, and will take center stage in your water garden with the unique coloring of the large blossoms. (Evergreen) | Water Iris Her Heighness White |  Best of the pure whites. Big and ruffled with small yellow signals. (Evergreen) | Water Iris Purple |  Tall lime leaves stay green all year. Light lavender flower blooms all spring and summer long. (Evergreen) | Water Iris Rose Red |  Tall lime green spikes give this iris a wild look. The flower is of a fine rose wine color, clear and sparkling in the sunlight. This species blooms freely spring and summer with foliage year-round. (Evergreen) | Water Iris Yellow |  Tall spikes of cheerful, canary-yellow flowers perch above masses of parrot green leaves to make your pond a spectacular sight. This species does well year-round. (Evergreen) | |