Tina Uber |
 Truly exotic, Tina's long, slender amethyst petals fade to a lighter shade as they near the brilliant gold center highlighted by deep amethyst tipped sepals. A Van Ness introduction, this hybrid has bright green viviparous leaves which produce plant miniatures. Tina blooms exuberantly and adapts to any size container planting. |
Midnight |
 Easily distinguishable by the slightly crinkled petals of a deep violet, Midnight also has a “fringe” in the center of the flower, created by rows of tiny petals on the tops of the stamens. Very free flowering. |
King of Siam |
 Our King of Siam is our fullest Water Lillie offered. Its petals can barely fit! This multi-layered flower sits around 6 inches above the water line. With flowers reaching 8 inches in diameter. This plant is a medium to small Tropical Water Lillie. This is a great one for tub gardens or small to medium ponds. The leaves have tiny maroon splotches but for the most part are a solid neutral green. |
Director Moore |
 Breathtakingly lovely, Director Moore has amethyst petals made even more striking by its deeper hued stamens and bright golden center. This versatile Tropical Lily does well in any size pool or even in a tub garden. Its compact, dark green leaves repeat the blossoms' color for they're flecked with purplish brown on top and pure purple beneath. |
Ultra Violet |
 This purple tropical is a personal favorite. It stands apart from all of the other Water Lillie's with deep maroon leaves with even deeper purple spotting. The dramatic leaves create an incredible frame to the very full and large purple flower. It sits approximately 6 inches above the water line with large flowers reaching 10 inches in diameter. With how big the flowers are on this plant we still consider it a medium sized lily because it does not spread as wide and far as most others. It is great for any size pond! |