Uber Crimson |
 This award-winning hybrid displays a kaleidoscope of color. Featuring large, scarlet petals with white flecks and rose tips. The center displays amber stamen with white sepals traced with rose. Adaptable to semi-shade, UberCrimson grows vigorously and blooms profusely. |
Gloriosa |
 A favorite with water gardeners since this Marliac hybrid won the Award of Merit in 1896, Gloriosa is a prolific and continuous bloomer. The blossoms are a true red with five reddish orange sepals variegated with rose and green. Since this hardy adapts to the shade, the foliage is comparatively small, and the growth rate moderate, it is well suited to small ponds and tub gardens. |
Sultan |
 Marliac’s Sultan would look right at home in Istanbul’s Topkapi Palace. Its large, cherry petals tipped and flecked with white resemble a royal cup set upon emerald foliage. |
Ellisiana |
 A French hybrid with one of the prettiest names, Ellisiana sports vivid red blooms nestled amidst oval leaves of dark green with purple-bronze splotches. Medium-sized flowers are quite fragrant. Blooms profusely all summer in all but hot, desert climates. |
Frobeli |
 Perfect for tub gardens and small ponds that need a touch of red. This dwarf hardy lily decorates the pond with dark red blossoms and thrives in the summer heat. |
William Falconer |
When it’s sweater weather outside, this hardy lily will respond with deep, dark red blossoms to brighten the day. William Falconer thrives in cool climates and its 5-7 inch blossoms are a perfect touch for small ponds. |
Escarboucle |
 Acknowledged as the most brilliant of the hardy reds, the bright vermillion-crimson blooms deepen to a dark wine-crimson with age, complementing the yellow-tipped garnet stamens. Exceptionally hardy, this lily thrives in climates subject to temperature extremes, with flower after flower all season long. |
Newton |
 This lily is a Latour Marliac hybrid that was at the higher of its popularity in the 1930s during the depression. Its color is very representative of the time period and very elegant. Quietly it sat in ponds on large estates of the wealthy. Free flowering for a red, the flowers can be up to 5 or 6 inches in diameter. This lily is highly adaptable but loves large ponds. The leaves are green, a little on the dark side, with purple specks underneath. For the proper color it is important to use Van Ness fertilizer. |
Esmerelda |
 Dainty yet strong, Esmeralda graces the pond with small, star shaped red flowers accented with white lines. Very vibrant color. |
Conqueror |
 As the name suggests, this hardy red hybrid of Latour Marliac conquered the rest of Marliac's hybrid reds. This red loves to bloom and with the proper fertilizer can get so red that the sun will burn it in hot locations. The dark green leaves, slightly larger than the 6 to 8 inch flower, make this red stand out in the crowd. This is a flower and plant for large ponds but can be adapted to medium ponds as well. I have even grown Conqueror in a tub garden because of the amount of flowers it produces. |
Fire Opal |
 Our fire opal is one of our highest quality Water Lilies. You can see by the picture this flower is a deep red hue with a silky shine. For a hardy Water Lilly its deep color and shine is hard to come by. Not only does it have a good color but its petals are very dense and symmetrical. The pads on this Water Lilly are forest green to maroon. If you are looking for a loud, yet stunning, Water Lilly this is the flower for you. To sustain this deep red we highly recommend fertilizing annually with our VNWG Fertilizer Tablets. |