Hermine |
 Hermine’s emerald green sepals the same shade as its foliage contrast spectacularly with its lovely cotton colored, medium sized blooms. Truly versatile, Hermine can be planted in any size containers and in semi-shade. A great addition to ponds of all sizes. |
Marliac Albida |
 This hardy lily is one of the old greats. Hybridized by Latour Marliac in the late 1800's it is a very strong free blooming white cup like flower with a very yellow center. This hardy is lightly fragrant when planted with the proper fertilizer. The flower can be as large as 5 to 6 inches in diameter in a large pot, but adapts well to small ponds as well. The leaves are a dark green with a touch of bronze when new. This lily is a performer. |
Virginalis |
 Considered by many to be one of the world’s finest hardy lilies, Virginalis produces scores of beautiful, fragrant, pure white blooms from the first day of the blooming season until frost arrives. Set above fern green leaves faintly tinged with purple, canary stamens and lightly rose hued sepals break the pure white of the shell shaped petals. At times, Virginalis produces flowers as large as a foot in diameter, spectacular in an indoor arrangement. |
Carolyn Uber |
 White as fresh fallen snow describes the blooms. Green as new spring grass describes the leaves. Well maybe we are a little bit prejudiced when it comes to this beauty that was developed by Ted Uber, former owner of Van Ness Water Gardens. A great choice for any water garden, Carolyn Uber grows well in semi-shaded areas and produces a multitude of sweet fragrant blooms. |
Gladstoniana |
 This award winning hardy is a study in perfection with its waxy, cup shaped petals the shade of coconut icing and clustering around stamens reminiscent of gold threads. Completing the picture are cocoa striped leaf stalks holding large, circular, forest green leaves above the water. Gladstoniana has a rather faint, sweet aroma and can be planted in semi-shaded areas. |
Albatross |
 Anthers the shade of freshly minted gold peer from among gently cupped, large, cloud white petals to create a picture of perfection in this hardy lily. Adaptable to tub gardens, or a great addition to a large pond, Albatross has unique leaves that change from burgundy to bronze and then to forest green as they mature. Albatross is a must have for all water gardening enthusiasts. Albatross loves full sun and is an excellent bloomer. |
Alba Candissima |
 A bed of deep green leaves is the stage for the cloud white petals and golden stamens, of the beautiful Alba Candissima. Ideally suited to semi-shaded ponds of all sizes, this hardy lily is a great addition to the cast of any water feature. Alba Candissima performs through out the spring/summer months. |
Gonnere |
 This is another old great by Latour Marliac. This flower has double the pedals of most water lily flowers. Very clear white flower that tends to stay open longer than most. If you are looking for something different then Gonnere is for you. The flower size is normally 4 to 6 inches in diameter and the leaves a little larger. Gonnere is adaptable to small and large ponds. |
Hal Miller |
 This lily is named after Mr. Hal Miller of the Miller Water Gardens of San Gabriel, California. They had displays of some of the biggest and most beautiful goldfish Comets and Fantails that I have ever seen. At one time they even had alligators in some ponds. Like many of the old gardens now gone, Millers Gardens was a virtual treat of the 1900s before theme parks. Going back to the lily, Mr. Miller hybridized this from a Sunrise hardy lily and a Virginalis. The Sunrise being a part odorata and Virginalis a hybrid tuber. As you can see this is a large magnificent lily for large ponds. Flowers can be as large as 12 inches in diameter or larger. The leaf is the same, 12 or more inches in diameter or larger. The leaves have purple specks under the leaf and some variegation on top. All in all, one of the top lilies available today. |